At the factory we do our best to prevent contamination. Rodents and birds carry diseases which may make your pet ill. A reputable pest control company is employed to keep rodents and any other contaminators away - for example, bird-nets are covering all entrances to prevent them from coming in. The finished product and raw-materials are appropriately stored away from direct sunlight and humidity.
Floors are kept clean and are disinfected on a daily basis. A weekly shut-down allows us to do a complete spring-clean of the whole factory. This includes machinery and all equipment used in the manufacturing of our product..
The same care is recommended to all who handle the product thereafter.
Exposure to direct sunlight and humidity ultimately damages the product by providing ideal conditions for mould to grow. Mould-inhibitor and anti-oxidants are also added to the food but they will not be effective in extreme conditions.
The dog food should be stored in a COOL DRY PLACE and NOT directly on the floor.
It is common for birds and rodents to eat from your pets' bowl and in this way may contaminate your pets' food. To avoid this you should wash and clean your pets bowl thoroughly before every use, then add in only the recommended allowance of food according to your pets size. This information can be found printed on the back of the dog food bag.
The water bowl is also a concern. If possible keep it away from birds and/or other contaminators. Please note that it is extremely important that fresh, clean water be available AT ALL TIMES.
NOTE: The food is extruded at no less than 90 degrees Celsius, ensuring a properly cooked and sterilized product.